What is Mentoring?
Mentoring for New Members
The word Mentor means: ” to impart knowledge”.

The Worshipful Master, supported by his Wardens, has a responsibility to encourage and support all Brethren to take a greater interest in, and increase their commitment to, Masonry. Masonic membership should be enjoyable and in part this can be enhanced by increasing knowledge and skills both as a Mason, but also by progressing through the Offices of the Lodge. This process continues as Brethren progress towards the Master’s Chair and beyond.
New members will be supported through the initial stages of their Masonic career by experienced Brethren in the Lodge, ideally who would be their proposer. It is the responsibility of their mentor to help and explain the workings and procedures of Freemasonry. They will also encourage them to attend Lodge meetings and help them understand that Freemasonry is a way of improving life in general.
Mentoring within the Lodge
The Lodge Mentor’s role is to coordinate the personal mentors and ensure that they are comfortable speaking openly about Freemasonry. Additionally, he will engage with all Brethren offering advice and guidance as necessary.
Progression to the Chair Workshops
From time-to-time Provincial Grand Lodge organise workshops designed to give progressing officers useful guidance in pursuing their aspirations to the Master’s Chair.