Lodge News

Christmas Festivities

Our Christmas festivities on the evening of Wednesday the 18th December started with a drink’s reception for our ladies and non-masonic guests. Whilst they continued to imbibe, we held a short business meeting in the Temple. Then a quick change out of our regalia and dress the Temple with candles and garlands in readiness for a singalong of Christmas Carols, humorously compered by W. Bro Adrian Moore.

Afterwards we adjourned to the dining room and bar before sitting down to dinner, with the main dish this year of salmon instead of the traditional turkey. The highlight of the evening though, was the unveiling of the portrait of His Majesty King Charles; the honour going to Bro. James Jeffries, our newest Initiate. Immediately after, we were in every sense, able to ‘Toast the King’. The evening concluded with a glass of Port for everyone, courtesy of Worshipful Master Craig Harding.

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