Kenneth Kinnersely Lodge No 9218
A Brief Kenneth Kinnersley Lodge and Masonic Hall History

Being a relatively ‘young’ lodge, much of Kenneth Kinnersely Lodge No 9218’s history naturally revolves around its illustrious founder Rt Wor Bro Kenneth Casswell Kinnersley.
Kenneth Casswell Kinnersley, affectionately known as ‘KK’, a local business man, was initiated into Connaught Lodge No 3573, Midsomer Norton, on 18th January 1939. He became Worshipful Master of the lodge in 1951 He was promoted to Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 1957, to Grand Standard Bearer in 1966 and was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Somerset in 1981, an office he served until his retirement in 1990.
In early 1985 Somerset Province, as part of its programme of expansion, was actively looking to open new lodges. The then Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Very Wor Bro Gilbert Parrott, petitioned the Grand Lodge of England for permission to name a new lodge after the then Provincial Grand Master. Much to his and many others’ surprise this request was granted! It was a very rare, if not unique, occurrence for a lodge to be named after someone living, a great honour indeed and the Lodge was then consecrated on the 11th April 1987 (which is marked on the Lodge Banner) and the Lodge has continued to thrive ever since and is a fitting testimony to the memory of its Founder.
Kenneth Kinnersley Lodge meets in The Lodge Building, situated close to the centre of Midsomer Norton, about 50 metres west of St John’s Church. It was paid for by bonds purchased by brethren of Connaught Lodge No. 3573 and by the aid of a bank loan. Its cost in 1912 was £914! The Masonic Building is owned by Connaught Lodge and is held in Trust for all the brethren by four appointed Lodge Trustees.
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